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Hometown Stories

Aug 24, 2020

In a series we call Lighter Fare, our editor Ben Riquelmy tries to get to the bottom of his messy closet and initiate a quarantine clean.

Aug 14, 2020

It's been three years since the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. What has happened since then? What is still to come? 
In this episode of Hometown Stories, we hear from WDBJ7's Pete DeLuca who covered the events that unfolded that day. And we catch up with the families who were among those most...

Aug 12, 2020

President Trump just signed the Great American Outdoors Act into law. 
What could this mean for our local communities? And how did proper care of our parks, like the Blue Ridge Parkway, get pushed off for so long? 
In this episode of Hometown Stories, we're taking a drive onto the parkway and detouring into the history...